Plague Inc Editor de Escenario APK: la mejor forma de modificar y experimentar con Plague Inc
Plague Inc. Scenario Creator: How to Create and Share Your Own Pandemics
Have you ever played Plague Inc., the simulation game where you can create and evolve a deadly pathogen to wipe out humanity? If you have, you probably know how addictive and fun it is to unleash your creativity and imagination on the world. But what if you want to take it a step further and design your own scenarios with custom plagues, worlds, events, and more? Well, you're in luck, because there is an app that lets you do just that: Plague Inc. Scenario Creator.
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What is Plague Inc. and why is it so popular?
Plague Inc. is a real-time strategy simulation game developed and published by Ndemic Creations, a UK-based independent video game studio. The game was inspired by the 2011 film Contagion and the 2008 Adobe Flash game Pandemic 2. The game has been downloaded over 160 million times as of May 2021, making it one of the most popular games of all time.
The game's premise is simple but compelling: you are a pathogen that has infected patient zero, and your goal is to spread across the world and kill everyone before they develop a cure. You can choose from different game modes and pathogens, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, and evolve them with various traits, such as symptoms, transmissions, and abilities. You also have to adapt to different environments, such as climate, population, health care, and government actions.
The game is praised for its realistic and complex simulation of disease dynamics, its high replay value, its dark humor, and its educational potential. The game also has a loyal fan base that enjoys creating and sharing their own scenarios with other players.
What is Plague Inc. Scenario Creator and what can you do with it?
Plague Inc. Scenario Creator is an app that allows you to create your own custom scenarios for Plague Inc. It is a powerful yet easy to use tool that lets you bring your deadliest ideas to life. You can create new plague types, worlds, events, and more, and then share them with friends and over 85 million other players.
Plague Inc: Scenario Creator APK (Android App) - Free Download
Plague Inc Editor de Escenario APK (Android App) - Descarga Gratis
Plague Inc: Creador de Escenarios - Aplicaciones en Google Play
Plague Inc: Scenario Creator - Apps on Google Play
Plague Inc: Scenario Creator Mod APK 1.2.1 - Download Plague Inc ...
Plague Inc Editor de Escenario Mod APK 1.2.1 - Descargar Plague ...
Plague Inc: Scenario Creator for Android - APK Download -
Plague Inc Editor de Escenario para Android - APK Descargar -
Plague Inc: Scenario Creator 1.2.1 Apk + Mod (Full Paid) for Android
Plague Inc Editor de Escenario 1.2.1 Apk + Mod (Full Paid) para Android
Plague Inc: Scenario Creator APK latest version 1.2.1 - Free ...
Plague Inc Editor de Escenario APK última versión 1.2.1 - Gratis ...
Download Plague Inc: Scenario Creator APK for Android - Latest Version
Descargar Plague Inc Editor de Escenario APK para Android - Última Versión
How to install Plague Inc: Scenario Creator APK on Android phone or tablet?
Cómo instalar Plague Inc Editor de Escenario APK en teléfono o tableta Android?
Plague Inc: Scenario Creator APK 1.2.1 Download for Android Download ...
Plague Inc Editor de Escenario APK 1.2.1 Descargar para Android Descargar ...
Download Plague Inc: Scenario Creator Mod APK 1.2.1 (Unlocked)
Descargar Plague Inc Editor de Escenario Mod APK 1.2.1 (Desbloqueado)
Plague Inc: Scenario Creator v1.2.1 (Paid)
Plague Inc Editor de Escenario v1.2.1 (Pagado)
Download & Install Plague Inc: Scenario Creator 1.2.1 App Apk on Android Phones
Descargar e Instalar Plague Inc Editor de Escenario 1.2.1 App Apk en Teléfonos Android
Download free game Plague Inc: Scenario Creator 1.2.1 for your Android phone or tablet
Descargar juego gratis Plague Inc Editor de Escenario 1.2.1 para tu teléfono o tableta Android
How to create custom scenarios for Plague Inc with the Scenario Creator app?
Cómo crear escenarios personalizados para Plague Inc con la app Editor de Escenario?
How to play scenarios created by other players in Plague Inc?
Cómo jugar escenarios creados por otros jugadores en Plague Inc?
How to share your scenarios with friends and other players in Plague Inc?
Cómo compartir tus escenarios con amigos y otros jugadores en Plague Inc?
How to access powerful developer labs in the Scenario Creator app?
Cómo acceder a potentes laboratorios de desarrollo en la app Editor de Escenario?
How to edit core scenario information, write background narratives, and set win conditions in the Scenario Creator app?
Cómo editar la información principal del escenario, escribir narrativas de fondo y establecer condiciones de victoria en la app Editor de Escenario?
How to develop a bespoke plague with unique stats and fully customised symptoms, abilities and transmissions in the Scenario Creator app?
Cómo desarrollar una plaga a medida con estadísticas únicas y síntomas, capacidades y transmisiones completamente personalizados en la app Editor de Escenario?
How to control country attributes, such as population, climate, health care budgets, and air routes in the Scenario Creator app?
Cómo controlar los atributos de los países, como la población, el clima, los presupuestos sanitarios y las rutas aéreas en la app Editor de Escenario?
How to dictate actions taken by governments in response to your disease in the Scenario Creator app?
Cómo dictar las acciones tomadas por los gobiernos en respuesta a tu enfermedad en la app Editor de Escenario?
How to create game-changing events and narrative pop ups for your scenario using powerful scripting tools in the Scenario Creator app?
Cómo crear eventos que cambian el juego y pop ups narrativos para tu escenario usando potentes herramientas de secu
With Plague Inc. Scenario Creator, you can unleash your creativity and imagination to the limit. Do you want to make a cat pandemic, an infectious political meme, or an alien parasite that makes people's heads explode? How about a government that evacuates the population of Madagascar to the moon, a YouTube star that turns people into zombies, or a travel company that operates hundreds of flights to Greenland every day? Maybe you just want to accurately model how a real-life disease might spread? With Plague Inc. Scenario Creator, you can do all this and much more!
How to download and install Plague Inc. Scenario Creator
For PC users
If you have Plague Inc: Evolved on your PC, you can access the Scenario Creator from the main menu of the game. You don't need to download or install anything else. Just click on the "Scenario Creator" button and start creating your own scenarios. You can also access the Steam Workshop from the game, where you can browse, rate, and subscribe to other players' scenarios.
For mobile users
If you have Plague Inc. on your mobile device, you need to download and install the Plague Inc. Scenario Creator app separately. You can find it on the App Store or Google Play for $2.99. Once you have installed the app, you can launch it and start creating your own scenarios. You can also access the Ndemic Creations Server from the app, where you can browse, rate, and download other players' scenarios.
How to use Plague Inc. Scenario Creator
Plague Inc. Scenario Creator is a powerful yet easy to use tool that lets you create your own custom scenarios for Plague Inc. It has five labs, each with a specific focus: Core, Disease, World, Government, and Events. You can choose which of them you want to use for any given scenario, depending on how complex and detailed you want it to be. Here is a brief overview of each lab and what you can do with it:
The basics: Menu screen and Lab Control
When you launch the app, you will see the menu screen, where you can create a new scenario, load an existing one, or access the Ndemic Creations Server. To create a new scenario, tap on the "New" button and enter a name for your scenario. You can also choose a base plague type for your scenario, such as Bacteria, Virus, Fungus, etc. This will determine the default stats and traits of your pathogen. You can change this later in the Disease Lab.
Once you have created a new scenario, you will enter the Lab Control screen, where you can access the five labs: Core, Disease, World, Government, and Events. You can switch between them by tapping on their icons at the bottom of the screen. You can also save your scenario, test it in Plague Inc., or publish it to Ndemic Creations Server from this screen.
The Scenario Data Lab: Setting up your scenario's information and settings
The Scenario Data Lab is where you can edit the core information and settings of your scenario, such as its name, description, icon, difficulty level, game mode, win condition, etc. You can also write a background narrative for your scenario, which will appear in Plague Inc. when players select it. This is a good way to introduce your scenario's theme and story to the players.
To edit any of these fields, simply tap on them and enter or select the desired value. You can also use the "Random" button to generate a random name or icon for your scenario.
The Disease Lab: Customizing your pathogen's stats and traits
The Disease Lab is where you can customize your pathogen's stats and traits, such as its infectivity, severity, lethality, mutation rate, cure requirement, etc. You can also add or